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MacUni-ConceptMacquarie University Concept Plan

Definity Group supported the University in its application for its Concept Plan which provides the design controls and guidelines for the future development of the Macquarie University Campus and is supported by an amendment to the Major Projects SEPP.  The Concept Plan enables the development of the following over a 25 year period:

  • The provision of 400,000m2 of broad commercial GFA and associated car parking outside of the Academic Core;
  • The provision of an additional 61,200m2 of academic floor area within the Academic Core;
  • The provision of an additional 3,450 beds within the University Housing precincts for University purposes only (taking the total number of bedspaces to 5,000);
  • Infrastructure upgrading and improvements to the road network as required; and
  • Rationalisation of University car parking locations

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